This is one of my shrimp. His name is Jacques.
This is the other one. His name is Butters.
The shrimp are super interesting and funny. They mainly stay upside down on the rocks, waiting for a tiny piece of food to pass by. But every now and then, they will play around in the sand or jump around in the water.
These are my fish, Merry and Pippin. They are super cute and fun to watch, and they always follow each other around and seem like they are good friends.
Here is one of my corals, a pink Xenia. It has already grown a ton since I got it and is pretty neat. Since corals are more like animals than plants, they can open and close and move around in pretty ways. I plan on getting another pretty fish and a coral sometime soon.
*WARNING: The following paragraph may cause extreme boredom for anyone who is not a marine aquarium enthusiast and does not keep fish.* All my water parameters are great, and I am doing weekly 10% water changes. My skimmer is starting to pick more stuff out of the water, but the skimmate isn't dark yet at all. Parts of my sand are covered in diatoms, which is really obnoxious since my sand isn't pretty and white anymore. But hopefully it will start going away soon. I'm also getting some hot pink Coralline algae all over my rocks which I take as a good sign.
Um yep, that was a super nerdy fish paragraph. This must be how Trent feels when I launch into accountant lingo...